by Margot | Feb 8, 2021 | China, Family Travel, UNESCO, Virtual Travel
In preparation for our upcoming Interactive Great Walls Discussion with David Spindler, we wanted to share with you an interview which was originally conducted by our good friend and luxury travel partner for China, Guy Rubin of Imperial Tours. Guy originally...
by Margot | Jan 13, 2021 | Brazil, Family Travel, Virtual Travel
If you are like our families and planning to stay home this MLK weekend, why not plan some edutainment to keep everyone engaged, dreaming about travel, and hopeful about the world and its people. We’re offering three virtual tours this weekend, all live streamed...
by Margot | Dec 23, 2020 | Art, Brazil, Eco-friendly, Family Travel, Uncategorized, Virtual Travel
If you’re searching for last minute gifts, why not give the gift of travel? A virtual getaway or a travel planning gift card make the perfect stocking stuffers. Not only will these travel gifts help your friends, colleagues and loved ones stay positive and keep...
by Margot | Dec 17, 2020 | Art, Austria, Brazil, China, Croatia, Culinary, Family Travel, France, Japan, Music, Paris, Peru, Portugal, UNESCO, Unique Experiences, Virtual Travel
Until the Covid-19 vaccinations have been widely distributed and we are all able to travel safely again, traveling virtually is a good alternative to keep us entertained and dreaming of new lands and cultures. Journeys Unparalleled has put together a virtual travel...