You’ve worked hard for the money you’re spending on your next holiday, so it is important to protect that investment should anything unexpected arise before or during your travels. No matter how much you’ve planned, you can never plan for things like medical emergencies, trip cancellations or flight delays. Travel insurance can cover you when unforeseen occurrences come up, such as:

  • Days before you’re set to leave, your child becomes ill. If you have to cancel your trip entirely, having a travel insurance policy will reimburse you for any non-refundable pre-payments and/or deposits.
  • While climbing the Great Wall of China, you slip and fall – injuring your ankle (this has happened to a client of mine before!). Having travel insurance can help you find an English-speaking doctor to have your ankle treated.
  • You arrive in the Riviera Maya, but your luggage didn’t make it. If it’s simply delayed, travel insurance will reimburse you for your immediate necessities until you get your bags back. Or worse, if your bags were lost, travel insurance will cover the cost of replacing your lost items.
  • You are trekking through the jungles of Borneo and an accident has occurred and you need immediate medical care, but adequate medical treatment is unavailable locally. Travel insurance will arrange medical evacuation and cover the cost.
  • You left your prescription medicine at home and now need to get an emergency prescription filled abroad. Your local doctor can’t give you a new prescription if you are outside of the U.S. Travel insurance will assist you in obtaining a new prescription locally.
  • There has been a family emergency back home and you must interrupt your trip to return. Travel insurance will provide reimbursement for your unused portion of the trip.

These are just a few of the many examples where having travel insurance can give you peace of mind and cover you in the event that something unexpected occurs before or during your trip. Be sure that you and your investments are covered if anything goes wrong; spend a little extra money to get travel insurance.